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Forget Greenland. Buy Russia
If Trump were to buy Russia and fire Putin, the Russo-Ukraine war would be over in ten minutes
In defense of brutalism
Brutalist architecture isn't necessarily ugly. What makes it ugly is its association with the things we hate in life
The universe is not really fine-tuned
How physicists' attempts to explain the mass of the Higgs boson almost turned into a proof of the existence of God
Which is the most dangerous branch of science?
Biology now holds the dubious honor of the deadliest lab accident in history
Science, bad statistics, and mismatched socks
Scientists warn not to put periods in text messages. Also, how to pick up socks in a drawer to get a matched pair
Microplastics in the brain are likely laboratory contamination
There's good evidence it's not a health crisis at all, just an artifact of sample processing
Computer fever dreams
Computer predictions about global warming are risking the wrath of the God of Modus Tollens
Make NIH-funded research great again (updated)
NIH study sections are just the tip of the iceberg. We must overhaul the reward system in science
Why climate models are not science, v2
Many people don't realize that it's impossible even in principle for a model to prove that something exists
Open science: any progress yet?
Science need not go full metal open science, but it must become more open in order to survive
Do humans have immortal souls?
What is a soul, anyway, and how long do they last? A new book on Aquinas speculates that humans have them
Nitrites are great again
Bovaer cures global warming, nitrite is safe, air pollution causes autism, glyphosate causes Alzheimer's. Are any of these things remotely true?
What are your odds of getting Alzheimer's disease?
Latest research shows that the risk of late-onset Alzheimer's disease is 75% genetic
Stop picking on the cows
Global warmers want to stop cows from producing methane by eliminating cows. But it is anaerobic bacteria that are to blame
Time and space don't exist, scientists say
Why space is probably quantized and elementary particles may have incredibly complex structure
What does the Y chromosome do?
Is it really possible for a person to change sex? Do other animals have Y chromosomes?
Tinnitus: Causes and Treatment Recent research suggests that tinnitus is easier to cure when treatment is given early. In this article, I will discuss what is known about tinnitus and what tinnitus sufferers can do about their affliction
Tutorial on image densitometry in Imal
How to get scientifically accurate data from Western blots
Metaphysics of causal sets
A model for quantum gravity is remarkably similar to neural networks—and may resolve the multiverse question
Is string theory background independent?
Maybe, maybe not. But we can change it if you insist. Who wants ta know?
Space is quantum entanglement
Many physicists now say that spacetime is quantum entanglement. Does that mean it's a neural network?
Could the universe be eternal after all?
String theory may overthrow everything we believe about the Big Bang
Poison ivy
How to identify it, how it affects the immune system, why only humans are affected, and how it differs from giant hogweed
Build an infrared fluorescent Western blot imaging system
You can build a high quality fluorescent infrared imaging system for the lab. But it's not as easy as it looks
How to Photograph a Solar Eclipse
Without burning up your camera sensor, blinding yourself, and setting your dog on fire.
How to photograph Mars and other planets
It's not too late to get your azz to Mazz.
Are those inexpensive USB software-defined radios any good?
They're getting cheaper and more powerful than ever. Just our luck now that radio is almost obsolete
Photographing Radioactivity with a Webcam
You can use a webcam to photograph radioactivity.
Ultraviolet photography
The ultraviolet world is gloomy ... and pink.
Infrared photography
It's not difficult to modify a digital SLR camera to take pictures in the near-infrared.
Astrophotography Without a Telescope
You don't need a lot of equipment to take spectacular pictures of the stars.
Firefly biology and tips on photographing fireflies. Movie of fireflies flashing in synchrony.
Build an Ultraviolet Zoom Lens, Part 1: Design
Design and plans for a fused-silica zoom lens.
High-resolution compact spectrograph, Part 1
Design and plans for a compact spectrograph suitable for astronomy.
A collection of astrophotographs.
The sound of freedom
Technological sounds are drowning out the quiet music of nature.
Argumentation in a post-logical world
We must become more analytical in detecting and refuting hidden assumptions in the debate.
Atheism, Ducks and Bananas
Atheists and religious people both need to work on their sense of humor.
Eight myths about libertarianism
Libertarianism is not what many people think.
The inability of our radar tracking systems to detect Santa's sleigh is no accident
Why your Earth stores are still doomed
It's not just the coronavirus panic. Your Earth store clerks are making things tough for us Martians again
The Blogger's Code of Snark
Some rules handed down to me by my old Grandma Blogger, who knitted them into a seven-foot-long tea cosy.
Fundamentals of Reindeer Aerodynamics
How did reindeer evolve the ability to fly?