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Xenon emission line calibration source

The science of auroras (updated Oct 13, 2024)

  How does an aurora work? What causes the different colors? Do auroras emit infrared or ultraviolet light?

Brian Williams covering moon landing

The information walls are closing in

  We want misinformation! misinformation! misinfor­mation! You won't get it. By hook or by crook, we will


What new technologies does the US military need?

Three recent developments have just given us new insight into that question

Molecular model of spike protein

Oh Jeez, not this @#$% again!

A new report with weak data revives the COVID wet-market vs lab leak debate all over again

drain snake

The internet says vinegar is the perfect cleaner. But is it true?

The chemistry of clogs, surface dirt, and cleaning agents and what does and doesn't work

Neuroblastoma Cells

Does vigorous exercise prevent cancer?

  New research says patients who exercise survive longer. Also, a comparison of ways to monitor your pulse rate


Eight common beginner mistakes in astro­photography

If you plan to photograph the upcoming supernova, there's a big learning curve ahead of you

Storm clouds

What is causing the depopulation crisis?

  Humans don't want to face the truth, so they invent implausible reasons why it's happening

Image from Coflow website

Do those cylindrical sails actually work?

A company claims that blowing air across a cylinder with a fan can power a whole ship

Atomic bomb explosion

The Physics of Battery-based Electric Vehicles

  No matter how much battery capacity improves, their explosive yield will never be good enough


Is string theory background independent?

  Maybe, maybe not. But we can change it if you insist. Who wants ta know?


What's new in Alzheimer's disease research

Immunotherapy squeaks through the FDA, mice squeaking, and academics trapped like rats

 science and medicine


What are your odds of getting Alzheimer's disease?

Latest research shows that the risk of late-onset Alzheimer's disease is 75% genetic

Cow emitting methane

Stop picking on the cows

Global warmers want to stop cows from producing methane by eliminating cows. But it is anaerobic bacteria that are to blame

Watch gears

Time and space don't exist, scientists say

Why space is probably quantized and elementary particles may have incredibly complex structure


What does the Y chromosome do?

Is it really possible for a person to change sex? Do other animals have Y chromosomes?

Tinnitus: Causes and Treatment

Recent research suggests that tinnitus is easier to cure when treatment is given early. In this article, I will discuss what is known about tinnitus and what tinnitus sufferers can do about their affliction

Near infrared source

Tutorial on image densitometry in Imal

  How to get scientifically accurate data from Western blots

Laser interference pattern

Metaphysics of causal sets

A model for quantum gravity is remarkably similar to neural networks—and may resolve the multiverse question

Watershed segmentation

How to do bad image forensic analysis

Scientific journals are paying experts to analyze images submitted by researchers. They're not very good

Cat on North America Nebula

Space is quantum entanglement

Many physicists now say that spacetime is quantum entanglement. Does that mean it's a neural network?


Could the universe be eternal after all?

  String theory may overthrow everything we believe about the Big Bang

Poison ivy

Poison ivy

How to identify it, how it affects the immune system, why only humans are affected, and how it differs from giant hogweed


Western blot

Build an infrared fluorescent Western blot imaging system

You can build a high quality fluorescent infrared imaging system for the lab. But it's not as easy as it looks

Solar eclipse

How to Photograph a Solar Eclipse

Without burning up your camera sensor, blinding yourself, and setting your dog on fire.

Mars photographed with unstable camera

How to photograph Mars and other planets

  It's not too late to get your azz to Mazz.

Digital radio signal in an SDR

Are those inexpensive USB software-defined radios any good?

They're getting cheaper and more powerful than ever. Just our luck now that radio is almost obsolete


Photographing Radioactivity with a Webcam

You can use a webcam to photograph radioactivity.

UV image of sparks

Ultraviolet photography

  The ultraviolet world is gloomy ... and pink.

Infrared image of tree

Infrared photography

It's not difficult to modify a digital SLR camera to take pictures in the near-infrared.


Astrophotography Without a Telescope

You don't need a lot of equipment to take spectacular pictures of the stars.



Firefly biology and tips on photographing fireflies. Movie of fireflies flashing in synchrony.

Oslo lens graphs

Build an Ultraviolet Zoom Lens, Part 1: Design

Design and plans for a fused-silica zoom lens.


High-resolution compact spectrograph, Part 1

Design and plans for a compact spectrograph suitable for astronomy.

Swan Nebula


  A collection of astrophotographs.


Sonogram of bird calls

The sound of freedom

  Technological sounds are drowning out the quiet music of nature.

Chess pieces brawling

Argumentation in a post-logical world

We must become more analytical in detecting and refuting hidden assumptions in the debate.


Atheism, Ducks and Bananas

Atheists and religious people both need to work on their sense of humor.

Barbed wire

Eight myths about libertarianism

  Libertarianism is not what many people think.

  science humor and miscellaneous

Scene from Goblet of Fire

Pyotr Shervchofskii and the Glob of Fire (Revised)

If J.K. Rowling had been a Russian novelist, academics would be praising her novel as the sequel to Anna Karenina

Scene from War of the Worlds

Why your Earth stores are still doomed

It's not just the coronavirus panic. Your Earth store clerks are making things tough for us Martians again

Chess fracas

The Blogger's Code of Snark

Some rules handed down to me by my old Grandma Blogger, who knitted them into a seven-foot-long tea cosy.


Fundamentals of Reindeer Aerodynamics

How did reindeer evolve the ability to fly?