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Wednesday, October 30, 2024 | bad jokes

Tips for Halloween safety

Things to remember to make sure your kids don't end up in prison on their favorite holiday

H alloween is the only time of the year when you can give somebody else's kids candy without getting thrown in jail. It's also a great way for the neighborhood kids to meet their neighbors. If you have neighbors who still think it's fun to wear Halloween costumes even though they're fully grown adults, that's also something you need to know.

We never had trick-or-treaters out in the country. It might have been because of the mile-long unlit dirt driveways. Or maybe it was all the skunks and the signs warning about land mines and unexploded ammunition that kept them away. Here in the burbs I've only got two neighbors. I never realized how many kids they have. They must have dozens of them.

Skeleton of man riding horse

The greatest Halloween costume of all time: Skeleton of man riding a horse on display at the Australian Museum in Sydney, Australia is called the Bone Ranger (Image source: justapedia.com / Public domain)

The UK Daily Mail recommends giving them Play-Doh instead of candy. Youngsters, they say, should be given a new toothbrush after they finish their treats. Parents should make sure children brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste before going to bed, even if they are tired.

This is very good advice, as Play-Doh tends to stick to the teeth.

The comments these ideas elicited are priceless:

That's the last time I listen to advice from so-called experts. Little Nobby has reported me to child line. It took him 20 minutes of chewing the stuff and now he's severely constipated!

That's a good idea, when I was young I loved eating playdoh.

I predict a lot of tummy aches...

It's tempting to give them little toothbrushes instead of candy, but I suspect it will be hard to understand their response through their masks. It will probably sound something like “Q shole!”

Here are some more useful tips.

The biggest benefit of Halloween is that it helps little kids overcome their fear of adults. They need to understand that not everyone is a monster who wants to harm them. They don't see it that way; they just want more carbohydrates.

Update, Nov. 1 2024 The kids refused to take the Flamin' Hot Flavored Cheetos I offered them. I gave them more sugary stuff, but I got stuck with 18 bags of those horrible things. They're coated with monosodium glutamate and by God they're awful. Cheetos are already illegal in the UK. They'd probably classify these as weapons of mass destruction. That's about the effect they have on my digestion. Somehow those kids knew.

oct 30 2024

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