randombio.com | Science Dies in Unblogginess | Believe All Science | I Am the Science Sunday, December 17, 2023 | science commentary The mysteries of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methaneThe idea that human breathing causes global warming is not what it seems |
cientists, or at least some of the more excitable ones, are now claiming that
human breathing causes global warming. The idea is being widely ridiculed, as
it should be, but the subtext (as people like to say) is what's important.
Note what's missing: any mention of carbon dioxide (CO2). Just
nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4).
This is highly significant. It could be a sign that the CO2 narrative is starting to fall apart scientifically. A close watch of the two science canaries (Nature and Lancet) shows increasing emphasis on CFCs, nitrous oxide, and methane. It sounds like they're preparing us for a switch from CO2 to something else. Look for statements like “even worse than CO2” to show up in the popular press, followed by the blog parrots and online encyclopedias.
Surprisingly, there's much about CO2 that's not very well understood. For instance, to absorb infrared, a molecule must have a dipole moment. CO2 is linear and symmetric, so it has no dipole moment until it is bent. According to Thomas and Stamnes [1], it acquires an induced dipole moment, but in order to do so, it must absorb a photon, which it can't do because it doesn't have one.
I've been looking for an answer to this question for a week now, and the best answer I can find is that a photon excites vibrational modes in molecules. These vibrations, according to the Raman spectroscopy guys, yield scattered photons which are reduced in energy by the amount of energy used to induce the vibration.
CO2 absorption in Earth's atmosphere is saturated at 400 ppm. The Green curve is the spectral flux calculated as Δν of 3 cm−1 with no greenhouse gases. The Black curve is with all gases at their standard concentrations and CO2 at 400 ppm. The Red curve is with CO2 at 800 ppm. A similar saturation result was obtained with the methane band at 1300 cm−1. Source: [2]
Fine, but for this to make sense you still need absorption. It can't be through collision, which would put the absorption way into the microwave region. I'm still searching for a good explanation as to how it does this magic trick, and why even Arxiv has no articles on it.
Of course there's no doubt that CO2 absorbs IR. But it would be a good topic to study exactly how it does it as Striebel et al. [6] have recently done with dipoles.
Another mystery is why so few people realize that CO2's 15 μm absorption band (around 660 cm−1), which is said to be the strongest one, is saturated. Absorption by any molecule follows a logarithmic curve: the effect of a change from 1 to 2 ppm is the same as a change from 200 to 400 ppm or 400 to 800 ppm. Many articles show this [3], including the sophisticated radiative transfer calculations by Wijngaarden and Happer [2], who performed line by line calculations from over 1/3 of a million transition lines to study spectral overlap. Saturation also significantly affects methane forcing [4]. They write:
For current atmospheric concentrations, the per-molecule forcings of the abundant greenhouse gases H2O and CO2 are suppressed by four orders of magnitude. The forcings of the less abundant greenhouse gases, O3, N2O and CH4, are also suppressed, but much less so. For current concentrations, the per-molecule forcings are two to three orders of magnitude greater for O3, N2O and CH4, than those of H2O or CO2. Doubling the current concentrations of CO2, N2O or CH4 increases the forcings by only a few per cent.
This is also confirmed in the textbooks, namely that CO2 is maxed out and has absorbed about as much as it can. These authors of one [5] also show the legendary skepticism so often missing in science:
[W]henever you see in a textbook a statement of the form “Einstein [or Newton or some other scientific worthy] said . . .” replace “said” with “did not say” and what follows is more likely to be true.
My admittedly amateur playing around with the HITRAN spectra seems to confirm that no matter how high you make the CO2, the absorption stays about the same once you get above 200 ppm. I thought I was doing something wrong, but apparently not.
One counter-argument is that as the center of the absorption band gets saturated, more absorption occurs in the “edges” of the band. This isn't possible: gases don't absorb in bands. Bands are an artifact of modeling, where the overall absorption in some region is smoothed out to make calculations easier. In gases, there are countless extremely narrow transition lines that remain narrow due to a phenomenon called CFR: if a photon gets absorbed, it ‘forgets’ its original wavelength. When it's emitted, it stays within the narrow absorption line. Those transition lines are often converted to Lorentzian, Doppler, and Voigt peak shapes, which owe most of their width to pressure broadening, collisions, and Doppler shifts. The best way to figure these things out is by line-by-line calculations, that is by studying each absorption line separately. This is understandably a pain in the butt, as there are millions of them.
This is totally different from what we're used to when dealing with solids and liquids. Thermal emission from the ground is a continuum. Absorption by gases in the atmosphere isn't. Yet Internet blogs and, increasingly, scientific books simply repeat each other's simplified narrative about global warming.
I understand that people on both sides want simple answers. We all remember the idiotic arguments people had about whether Covid masks worked. One side said they worked perfectly and the other said they didn't work at all. Each decided what to believe for political reasons, and then claimed the science was behind them, and they were both mistaken.
To be honest, until we start seeing something more substantial than a computer model, GW will rank in importance just above those bastards who put apostrophes in every word that ends with an 's'. I'd even glue myself naked to the Mona Lisa (and what a horrifying sight that would be) if I thought there was any more to this than speculation. Yet somehow it went straight from a hypothesis to a dogmatic assertion that we're going extinct unless we dismantle our economy within the next seven years.
Carbon dioxide is one of the simplest molecules, but its physical chemistry is sometimes taken for granted. It's worth studying on that basis alone. Ten years from now, after the warming zealots have all died from the toxic effects of inhalation of orange dye, CO2 will be a backwater again. Then maybe they'll give it back to the biologists where it belongs.
[1]. Gary E. Thomas and Knut Stamnes, Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere and Ocean
[2]. W. A. van Wijngaarden and W. Happer (2020). Dependence of Earth's Thermal Radiation on Five Most Abundant Greenhouse Gases. arxiv2006.03098v1 physics:ao-ph
[3]. Schildknecht D, 2020. Saturation of the infrared absorption by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Int J Mod Physics B 1:2. ArXiv:2004.00708v2
[4]. M. Etminan, G. Myhre, E. J. Highwood and K. P. Shine, Radiative Forcing of Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide: A Significant Revision of the Methane Radiative Forcing, Geophys. Res. Lett. 43, 12614 (2016).
[5]. Bohren CF, Clothiaux EE (2006). Fundamentals of Atmospheric Radiation: An Introduction with 400 Problems. Wiley-VCH
[6]. Striebel M, Wrachtrup J, Gerhardt I (2017). Absorption and Extinction Cross Sections and Photon Streamlines in the Optical Near-field. Sci. Rep. 7: 15420, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-15528-w
dec 17 2023, 11:57 am
Speculation is not science
Climatology is not exempt from the need for scientific proof.
If you want to convince us that CO2 causes warming,
then prove it empirically
NO2 causes the ozone hole, CFCs cause global warming, CO2 misses out
Silly us, it's a mistake anybody could make. All those little
molecules look the same to us
Stop picking on the cows
Global warmers want to stop cows from producing
methane by eliminating cows. But it is anaerobic bacteria
that are to blame
Science does not support banning gas stoves
People are boiling over gas stoves. But the claim is mostly
junk science
Cold facts on global warming
Even though global warming has become mostly an academic concern now
that the climate has moved into a cooling phase, it's still important
to understand what is and is not factual about the climate
Books on scattering and radiative transfer
Book reviews