randombio.com | Science Dies in Unblogginess | Believe All Science | I Am the Science Friday, January 14, 2022 | Commentary What on Earth is "mass formation psychosis"?The long dark winter of doom, disease, devastation, and experts is upon us |
've pretty much given up on following politics these days, having decided
that the humans are all insane. As long as they stay off my lawn, they
can make up whatever facts they want and call each other names to their hearts'
content. Besides, 200,000,000 other people are doing such a great job accusing
each other of lying, gerrymandering too much, gerrymandering too little,
legalizing crime, locking people up for no reason, and demanding that people
be imprisoned for being unvaccinated that there is little to add.
As Exhibit A, I give you those folks who are so anxious to get to work they tailgate me while I'm driving to work in the dark. Luckily, schoolchildren waiting for their bus all glow in the dark these days thanks to their cell phones. If not for that, he'd probably have a few of 'em on his hood.
As Exhibit B, I give you that survey that the IRS is sending us asking if we think our tax laws are too complicated. Surely, I thought, this must be a joke. I plan to check the box that says “Yes, the tax laws are too complicated, please audit me!” I am by no means rich, but last April 15 I used two different software packages and got wildly different results. I picked one at random, sent in my check hoping it was at least close to the right amount, and sure enough eight months later I got a letter back saying I overpaid by 7,000 dollars and that someday soon they would reimburse me.
Exhibit C is those “worms” that scientifically inexperienced people are claiming to find in vaccine samples. As I discuss here, they're actually fibers that always turn up in samples that have been passed through a sterilization filter.
But when the humans start making neuropsychiatric diagnoses, my ears prick up. (Some might say they start itching as well, but it's not true.)
The long, dark winter of doom, disease, and devastation the US government promised is now upon us. The UK Daily Mail, where proofreading is but a memory, has a knack for letting the truth out through Freudian slips:
The country braces itself for mass Omicron closures and experts.
Proofreading? We've heard of it (Daily Mail caption in article titled Flip Flop Fauci)
Last week the deadly experts were out in force. In some states there are lines circling the block of people desperate to be tested for the new and improved 'rona. In Vermont, people with positive rapid laminar flow test kits but no symptoms were clogging emergency rooms. In an effort to stop them, the hospital had to warn them that by coming in they're potentially exposing themselves to someone with Covid who is very sick.
But back to psychosis. Psychosis is a generic term that refers not to a specific disease but a collection of symptoms. Dorland's Medical Dictionary says psychosis is
A mental disorder characterized by gross impairment in reality testing as evidenced by delusions, hallucinations, markedly incoherent speech, or disorganized and agitated behavior, usually without apparent awareness on the part of the patient of the incomprehensibility of this behavior.
Former vaccine researcher and inventor of the mRNA vaccine Dr Robert Malone wrote on his Substack page that people who believe that vaccines are effective and seek vaccines are suffering from ‘mass formation psychosis.’ He says he got the idea from Dr Mattias Desmet and that it's a form of the madness of crowds, a term from social psychology that goes back to Charles MacKay's 1841 classic Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. It is, Malone says, like a form of mass hypnosis.
According to the SWF Institute, which is not as exciting as its name suggests,
Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise. . . . Anybody who questions the leader's narrative is attacked and disregarded.
Needless to say, the mainstream media is having none of it. One media outlet claims that the argument is “complete nonsense” and then goes on call Joe Rogan (who interviewed Malone in his podcast) a reactionary and claims that “right-wing media” (like their competitor Fox News) has become “dangerous,” that ivermectin is a horse de-wormer that causes serious health problems, and that young people absolutely should get vaccinated against Covid.
Psychosis might not be the right word, but there is clearly something about Covid that causes expression of our innate nuttiness gene. More research is needed.
jan 14 2022, 6:26 am
Free at last, free at last, more or less
The lockdown is finally over. Now we have to clean up the mess