randombio.com | Science Dies in Unblogginess | Believe All Science | I Am the Science Sunday, January 7, 2024 | commentary Requiem for global warmingCell phones aren't just making people cross-eyed. They're causing global warming, or maybe cooling, or both |
ne commentator
called Greta Thunberg, who has now turned twenty-one, the “pint-size
predictor of end times.” Well, that one is a kid no more, so now we're
allowed to say what we really think of her ideas.
But what are they? From the news reports, all we heard was emotionalism, as if someone had told her there was a life-ending crisis and she believed it. Who would say such a thing to a child? Why would the child not consider that they might be taking advantage of her naivete for their own purposes? Having Asperger's is not an excuse. Millions of others have this condition, but manage to compensate for it.
Nowadays, even little kids know the legacy media can't be trusted, which may be why they get their news from TikTok instead of the newspaper. TikTok, of course, can't be trusted either, but these days none of us has a choice. If you want the truth, you must discover it for yourself. Nothing anyone tells you can be believed. The more they nag, the more you should doubt.
All that cell phone scrolling has given us a smorgasbord of new health crises: an epidemic of vertigo, cybersickness [1], dizziness, oculomotor dysfunction[2] as measured by postural swaying and loss of static balance, and acute acquired comitant esotropia[3], commonly known as being cross-eyed, caused by endless hours watching things scrolling up. Smartphones are also associated with psychological distress[4,5], belief in conspiracy theories[6], and especially anxiety[7,8,9,10].
Ages ago, when I was a kid in the age of CRTs, doctors warned against sitting too close to a TV for fear that it might be emitting X-rays. Being rather annoyingly Aspergery myself, I made several measurements around a color TV with a radiation detector but could find no trace of any ionizing radiation. What I found instead was the static charge on the screen (an interesting effect that kids today are missing out on) interfered with the electronics in the detector.
I wondered if perhaps this was what those doctors were measuring. The similarity between CRTs and X ray machines, both of which used beams of electrons impacting a metal target, made the X-ray theory plausible, but as always the question isn't whether it's there—make your detector sensitive enough and you can find anything—but how important it is; and what things you don't know that could explain it better.
The X-ray issue was rendered moot by incorporation of leaded glass and lower voltages and by their replacement with cheaper LCD and LED displays. But tell people that thunderstorms produce antimatter and they'll panic. Today we have panic about the ozone layer, forever chemicals, acid rain, Covid, 5G radio waves, and radon. But as with everything else, it's not whether it exists but whether it's a problem. Emotion won't answer the question and neither will blind obedience.
Most people have figured out that the goal of science often is not to solve problems but to identify as many new problems as possible (or, in some cases, create new ones) in order to get more grants. Risk-benefit analysis is always somebody else's job.
Anyway, I've changed my mind about global warming. Look at the evidence: autonomous vacuum cleaners trying to suck up dogs, the UK experiencing −6°C temperatures, well below the temperature for dangerously icy roads, −50°F in the US midwest, people gluing themselves to stationary objects, and . . . other stuff . . . . What more proof do you want?
What these children represented was the infantry, in its original meaning, of the class wars. The idea was that a display of strong emotion meant they were really sincere, because why else would they be so upset? Alas, the world doesn't work that way. Our strongest emotions are but a gnat's bad breath to the universe.
Give me back the old days when the traditional religions were the ones censoring things and telling us the world was going to end in fire. Thanks to the no-longer-kid and all the other lefty fanatics, those of us who grew up to be skeptical of religions are getting terminal whiplash. And that is just one more thing we can blame on cell phones.
[1] Keshavarz B, Murovec B, Mohanathas N, Golding JF. The Visually Induced Motion Sickness Susceptibility Questionnaire (VIMSSQ): Estimating Individual Susceptibility to Motion Sickness-Like Symptoms When Using Visual Devices. Hum Factors. 2023 Feb;65(1):107-124. doi: 10.1177/00187208211008687. PMID: 33874752; PMCID: PMC9846380.
[2] Lee D, Hong S, Jung S, Lee K, Lee G. The Effects of Viewing Smart Devices on Static Balance, Oculomotor Function, and Dizziness in Healthy Adults. Med Sci Monit. 2019 Oct 27;25:8055-8060. doi: 10.12659/MSM.915284. PMID: 31655845; PMCID: PMC6833907.
[3] Nouraeinejad A. Neurological pathologies in acute acquired comitant esotropia. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023 Dec;261(12):3347-3354. doi: 10.1007/s00417-023-06092-3. PMID: 37145335; PMCID: PMC10161163.
[4] Ou-Yang Q, Liu Q, Song PY, Wang JW, Yang S. The association between academic achievement, psychological distress, and smartphone addiction: A cross-sectional study among medical students. Psychol Health Med. 2023 Jun;28(5):1201-1214. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2022.2148697. Epub 2022 Nov 21. PMID: 36411542. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36411542/
[5] Lei LY, Ismail MA, Mohammad JA, Yusoff MSB. The relationship of smartphone addiction with psychological distress and neuroticism among university medical students. BMC Psychol. 2020 Sep 11;8(1):97. doi: 10.1186/s40359-020-00466-6. PMID: 32917268; PMCID: PMC7488412. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32917268/
[6] Valero-Mora PM, Zacarés JJ, Sánchez-García M, Tormo-Lancero MT, Faus M. Conspiracy Beliefs Are Related to the Use of Smartphones behind the Wheel. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jul 21;18(15):7725. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18157725. PMID: 34360021; PMCID: PMC8345770.
[7] Long J, Liu Y, Wang Y, PottiƩ A, Cornil A, Deleuze J, Wu Q, Chen S, Ma Y, Wang Q, Hao Y, Lu J, Radu IG, Liu T, Billieux J. The Mediating Effects of Perceived Family Support in the Relationship Between Anxiety and Problematic Smartphone Use: A Cross-Cultural Validation. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2023 Nov 27. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000001738. PMID: 38030146.
[8] Lee SR, Kim EY, Ha S, Kim J. Mediating Effect of Stress Recognition on the Effect of Generalized Anxiety Disorder on Smartphone Dependence. J Clin Med. 2023 Nov 28;12(23):7359. doi: 10.3390/jcm12237359. PMID: 38068411; PMCID: PMC10707016.
[9] Augner C, Vlasak T, Aichhorn W, Barth A. The association between problematic smartphone use and symptoms of anxiety and depression-a meta-analysis. J Public Health (Oxf). 2023 Mar 14;45(1):193-201. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdab350. PMID: 34585243.
[10] Lu M, Pang F, Wang R, Liu Y, Peng T. The association between autistic traits and excessive smartphone use in Chinese college students: The chain mediating roles of social interaction anxiety and loneliness. Res Dev Disabil. 2022 Dec;131:104369. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2022.104369. PMID: 36306598. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36306598/
jan 07 2024, 4:54 am
The mysteries of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane
The idea that human breathing causes global warming is not
what it seems
Speculation is not science
Climatology is not exempt from the need for scientific proof.
If you want to convince us that CO2 causes warming,
then prove it empirically
CFCs cause half of Arctic global warming, scientists say
Q. -B Lu's theory is vindicated; is the carbon dioxide theory in hot water?
Magic eight ball says maybe
Antimatter in thunderclouds
Lightning produces gamma rays and antimatter. Some researchers may have even
detected neutrons.