political commentary
Owning political incorrectnessDonald Trump's fans are fed up. For them, he's a breath of fresh air.by T.J. Nelson |
e don't know much about Donald Trump's positions yet. Mostly we just know he hates political correctness, he wants Mexico to put up some drywall somewhere, and he thinks Rosie O'Donnell is a fat pig.
I agree with him on the first one, have a few modest reservations about the second, and withhold judgment on the third.
Then there's this:
“We go in, we knock the hell out of them, we take the oil, we thereby take their wealth.”
Sound familiar? Compare:
“We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.”
That of course was Ann Coulter, whose deadpan delivery of her lines about immigration (dare I say ‘illegal immigration’*) as the Vice-President in Sharknado 3 proves two things: (1) she'd make a great running mate for Trump, and (2) there will never be a Sharknado 4. They have a lot in common. Both derive their popularity by saying things others consider outrageous and defending them unapologetically.
I've never met Donald Trump, but I've known many executives. There are two types: the smart ones who know everything, and the ones, by far the majority, who only think they know everything. They pay others to know things for them and just take the credit. After listening to Trump talk over the past week, it seems that there may be a third type: the ones who pay others to make sense out of what they say.
But maybe he's just way ahead of us. Someday we'll probably all be like Donald Trump. When asked a question we'll use the WiFi chips implanted in our brains to look up the answer on the hive mind. If there's noise on the line, our answers will come out as gibberish, and it'll be up to those around us to figure out what we said.
I am not suggesting that Donald Trump has a brain implant. But his supporters are so tired of losing to the twittermobs that they're willing to take on that role. They want someone who knows how to win, and more importantly how to fight back. That's what Trump is offering.
What would Trump do if elected? Conservative pundits have painted a grim picture. Trump fans argue that they don't fully understand the threat that P.C. poses. Perhaps, they argue, the pundits are merely statists who just crave media acceptance and don't appreciate the danger we're in.
P.C. is a serious threat. It's even infecting the Republican party. Redstate's refusal to allow Trump to speak because they were ‘offended’ demonstrates its insidious effect.
Freedom means the right to say terrible, offensive, inflammatory things. It may be that the only way to fight P.C. is to be as offensive as possible and tell those who are offended to suck it. As the Black Lives Matter activists have demonstrated, in this world it doesn't matter if your ideology defies logic. What matters is that you are pushy enough and enough of a threat that people give you what you want.
Trump supporters feel disenfranchised and powerless. They know the Republican establishment doesn't value them. The establishment's dismissal of Trump as a madman merely confirms in their eyes that the establishment has nothing but contempt for them and accepts the status quo.
* Which makes sense. If we complain too much about illegal immigration, the Democrats have a simple solution: make it legal—et voilà, problem solved.