randombio.com | Science Dies in Unblogginess | Believe All Science | Follow The Science Saturday, June 26, 2021 | Science commentary What the Pentagon's UFO Report Doesn't Say is What's ImportantWhich is . . . practically everything |
he Pentagon's UFO report, Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial
Phenomena, which was released yesterday, is a typical fake government
document. I've seen many reports like this. It actually says nothing
at all, and that makes it highly significant.
Their term for flying saucers is unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP. They write
The limited amount of high-quality reporting on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) hampers our ability to draw firm conclusions about the nature or intent of UAP. . . .
The sensors mounted on U.S. military platforms are typically designed to fulfill specific missions. As a result, those sensors are not generally suited for identifying UAP.
The writers at The Drive made a pretty convincing case a few months ago that these things are drones from foreign governments designed to collect radar data. This type of data is something foreign powers want to know: it tells them the range and sensitivity of our radar, what triggers the sensors, and the frequencies and waveforms we use. All of this is priceless info for designing radar jamming equipment, and such equipment is a critical and fast-moving technological area for the military.
I'm surprised everyone hasn't read their masterful explanation. It explains what I've been saying for years: you cannot trust a radar return.
What they didn't focus on is the likely reason the US military wants you to think these things are flying saucers. Based on a report from the Russian website RT, the reason is that USA is using similar drones to spy on China to study their radar. So the answer is pretty obvious: (1) the USA has drones of its own flying near China and possibly other countries, which is why we don't see US Navy EP-3s getting harassed and forced down by China these days; (2) the US military is getting some benefit from allowing foreign drones to fly near our air bases; and (3) the US military wants the PRC military to think the USA is so screwed up that we can't figure this out.
Many commentators, like Mark Ellis at PJ Media, are cracking jokes:
"What about that UFO that appeared to have dived into the ocean? We don't remotely understand the means of power these aliens may have developed, but we do understand the concept of running out of gas."
He gives a link to a satirical site Gray Privilege, which says
Grays encountered in UFOs have no visible gender differences; which means they are free from the oppression--from witch hunts to manspreading--that has held us back from progress.
What these witty guys don't realize is that these aliens, having evolved beyond the need for gas, are using electric, and were unable to find any charging stations on our planet. Or perhaps they've lost ability to produce gas for some outer space reason, which is why they're studying our cows.
A more likely explanation is that the military knows, or should know, that unmanned drones are the future of warfare. So they would want to know their capabilities. They wouldn't necessarily shoot them down, but I'd be very surprised if they haven't snagged a bunch of 'em by now and are keeping them at some desert air base.
Pretending to believe in flying saucers is a clever strategic choice. It gets the press babbling about things that don't exist and convinces our adversaries that the things that do exist are just a fantasy.
june 26 2021, 6:24 am
A new explanation for the Navy's mysterious Tic Tac UFO sighting
It's an infrared laser, Jim
Where are all those UFOs coming from?
A major newspaper made a big splash last week by reporting a UFO story.
What are these things, really?