randombio.com | political commentary Wednesday, December 14, 2016 Conspiracy theories and the implosion of the Democrat-media-snowflake complexThe snowflakey histrionics would be scary if it weren't so gosh-darn amusing. |
ere's something that no one said to me, ever: “Please to voting for Troomp,
dahlink!” No Russian vamps tried to seduce me into voting for Donald Trump.
I had to make up my mind on my own. I feel left out.
The voters selected Trump because he was optimistic and enthusiastic about restoring their economy. He deserved to win on that basis alone. But the news media-Democrat-snowflake complex has gone collectively nuts, bonkers, or as the Russians would say, чокнутый, choknutyy.
First there were the histrionics about Trump's proposal to secure the borders. Then there were those 4–5 women who claimed Trump had harassed them and just as quickly disappeared. Then there were the Democrat riots. Then it was the fault of Comey, who sacrificed the FBI's reputation for integrity to help them. Then it was the voting machines. Then it was his selection of Steve Bannon of Breitbart as his chief strategist. And now it's the Russians' fault.
People keep telling me I should remain above politics. But watching the democrat-media-snowflake complex implode is like watching a colossal train wreck. The metric shitload of fake news would be amusing if it weren't so dangerous. Problem is, once lies get established in one sector of society, they spread.
The postmodern idea that truth was relative was soundly rejected by philosophers and by science, but it's still eroding the edges of our society. Its purpose then as now was to justify lying for political reasons. And when you tell people what they want to hear, even if it's an obvious lie, even smart people can be taken in.
The hysteria feeds into our institutions because their purpose is to solve problems. If global warming is not a problem, few people will study it. If the structural differences between men's and women's brains are something to celebrate instead of a social barrier to be smashed, the only reason to study them is curiosity.
So conspiracy theories affect even those of us who think politics is mostly wrestling in экскременты (excrement) (finally is now getting use out of English-Russian dictionary, dahlink!) The purpose of all conspiracy theories is to avoid the need to face the truth. As many others have noted, the truth for Democrats is pretty darn grim. And that is highly amusing ... I mean ... a shame. Their policies have been tried, and the faulty reasoning behind them revealed by their failure to work in reality. So, unable or unwilling to change their policies, they are trying to change our perception of reality.
That's where ideology helps: ideology is a structure imposed on reality whose purpose is to exclude one set of opposing facts from consideration. When the survival of an ideology is threatened, its adherents increase their bias in order to preserve it.
If we're going to accuse somebody of trying to influence the elections, it should be the Europeans. Officials in Germany and elsewhere made no secret about favoring Hillary Clinton. Europeans were cheering in the streets when Obama got elected. The British parliament even tried to pass a law banning Trump from entering the country should he be elected. Now that would be interference.
Even the Pope tried to interfere in our election. He was quoted as saying “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”
If the Russians were our adversaries they'd want Clinton, because she'd continue Obama's policy of bumbling weakness. Therefore, knowing how much we resent outside interference, their best chess move would be to convince us they favored Trump.
Trump will build a pipeline, make America the world's biggest exporter of natural gas, probably throwing Gazprom into bankruptcy. He's promising to put the brakes on our decade-long slide toward irrelevancy. Even before taking office, he's begun to reinvigorate the military. Yeah, I can see why the Russians would want that.
Did some Russians hack Hillary's server? Maybe. If so, so did the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Germans, the Norwegians, the New Zealanders, the Fiji Islanders, and anybody else with a computer and an Internet connection. Heck, from what I heard about its configuration, even I probably could have done it. As any computer security person will tell you: if your server gets hacked, it's your own effing fault for not keeping it secure.
I suspect 99% of the public couldn't name a single fact revealed by Wikileaks. But the leaks didn't tell us anything about Hillary's character that we didn't already know.
Last edited Dec 15 2016, 11:28 am
American samizdat
Only two years ago the New York Times was criticizing Russia for trying to censor
the Internet.
Lying about fake news
The only thing worse than fake news is big media corporations trying to
censor it in the guise of protecting us.
The progressive war on reality
A recent article explains why progressivism must deny not only biology, but
reality itself.