randombio.com | commentary Thursday, Oct 26, 2017 Halloween III: The Cultural AppropriationDress the little brats up as antidisestablishmentarianism and push 'em out the door |
pparently, there's a big brouhaha at the moment to stop what some people consider
to be the worst crisis of modern times: little girls who think Moana, the cartoon
Hawaiian princess in some Disney movie, is pretty and want to emulate her. This,
it seems, would cause the United States to plunge into chaos because it's
“appropriation” or some such thing.
Don't kid yourself. This isn't about culture. Like everything else these days, it's about race and sex and tradition, and how to undermine them. If a little boy wanted to dress up as Moana, or someone from the ghetto wanted to dress up as a slick-haired briefcase-carrying cologne-wearing door-to-door life insurance salesman, you can bet the lefties would be calling us names for opposing it.
Now, I'd probably gravitate to things that are are a little scary for me, like tensor calculus or yellow cake or the Windows blue screen of death. But even scarier is the implied racism of the terms “white privilege,” “cultural appropriation,” and so forth ad nauseam.
The purpose of Halloween is to help kids adapt to scary things. The world starts getting colder, as if starting to die. Snow starts to blanket the world. The start of winter is like death, zombiism, and white supremacism all rolled into one.
It seems that some adults have failed to come to grips with these things. Perhaps they had unhappy childhoods, and so everyone else must have one too.
It might make sense that little kids might want to dress up like a social justice warrior or that scary representative from Florida (isn't being a state rep appropriation almost by definition?) who decided to get five minutes of fame by twisting President Trump's words during his condolence call to the family of a soldier killed in Niger.
But those things are too abstract to make a convincing costume. Besides, they are all things, like mortgages, inflation, and April 15, that scare only adults. It would be like a kid dressing up as antidisestablishmentarianism: where would they even start?
So here are a few ideas, and no regard for whether they're politically correct.
Well, by now you're probably saying, yes! Thank you! Those are great ideas! But aren't they a little abstract? And aren't they all appropriating somebody or something?
Sadly, that's the nature of Halloween. No matter who or what the child pretends to be, they're appropriating something. Civilization advances by appropriating what's good and rejecting what's bad.
That tells us what's really going on: white males encourage others to show admiration for their culture by appropriating it, because they're proud of it. If only the libs would appropriate that.
oct 26, 2017, 7:28 am; edited oct 27, 2017, 7:41 am
Halloween II: The Blog Post
Halloween tells us what we really fear.
Halloween and Human Evolution
Halloween is the day we don't have to be cheery and upbeat. Maybe that's
why Halloween sales are through the roof.