randombio.com | Science Dies in Unblogginess | Believe All Science | I Am the Science Saturday, February 18, 2023 | commentary More sex, less gender, pleaseChanging the language doesn't change our thoughts. It just makes us lie more |
okesters are now censoring the same terms they shoved down our throats
only a few years ago, apparently without even realizing it. We're now
supposed to say ‘woman’ instead of ‘female,’ even
though only last month ‘woman’ was forbidden and highly placed
people in our government were claiming that, never having seen a real one,
they were unable to define such a thing.
This is the same government that, in a scene straight out of Idiocracy, spent millions of dollars to shoot down harmless $15 weather balloons to fake being tough. The two phenomena aren't unrelated: both are evidence of the triumph of appearance over reality.
Far be it for me to disagree with a good writer like George Orwell, but I am convinced that changing the language doesn't change how we think. If woke censors tell us we must use some euphemism like ‘big’ instead of ‘fat,’ the concept and its implications will simply transfer over to the new word. Soon enough we'll be forbidden to use the term ‘big’ as it is a form of ‘size-shaming.’
Another example: ‘all witches are women’ in some children's book has been bowdlerized to ‘a witch is always a woman.’ I suppose it would be a true statement if there were such a thing as a witch, but isn't this more transphobic? It's the same mentality that forced Anthony Horowitz to remove the word ‘scalpel’ because it happens to resemble the word for the earlier practice of American Indians to ‘scalp’ their victims. We're told to say ‘undocumented immigrant‘ instead of ‘illegal alien,‘ thereby turning the first term into a pejorative which must sooner or later also be banned.
It's nearly impossible to find a contemporary book on certain branches
of psychology, sociology, or even philosophy without finding
‘she’ used as an gender-indeterminate pronoun,
‘gender’ used as a synonym for ‘sex,’ and so on.
Just last month, some university dweebs at Stanford
for us that a number of ordinary words are now offensive, including
‘American,’ ‘webmaster,’ ‘stupid,’
‘crazy,‘ and ‘gender’ as a synonym for
‘sex.’ I've argued here
for ages that the latter is nonsensical: gender is a social construct and
therefore imaginary, while sex is not and therefore real. Though the
esteemed university university of esteemedness stopped
short of calling gender imaginary, they've come full circle.
The same is true for ‘survivor’ instead of ‘victim,’
both of which were forced upon us but which are now considered offensive.
We are now supposed to say ‘person who has been impacted by’
(followed by some noun, I assume—our language constructions may
increasingly resemble French [with the descriptor flipped, as in
‘person of color’, ‘vertically challenged’; cf.
‘pommes de terre frites’, ‘pâté de
foie gras’] but heaven forbid we end a sentence with
a preposition. We are not that bad yet).
I myself have been ‘impacted by’ this nonsense and finally gave up on pronouns altogether. I now just always say ‘he’ if the person's sex is unknown, and if the reader doesn't like it he can stuff it. And if they keep it up, adverbs will be next.
The feminists started this fad, and to this day they can't imagine why people don't take them as seriously as they should. Until they repudiate it, they will find it a challenge to enlist allies among conservatives and libertarians in their efforts to preserve the gains they made in creating special privileges and safe spaces for themselves.
Changing the language doesn't change thought. It only forces us to lie. But these days, where almost everything in the news media and on social media is fake and teachers just tell their children lies, how could we ever tell the difference?
feb 18 2023, 7:47 am
Scientific institutions need to defend science against gender ideology
It might be fun for kids to think there are millions of different sexes,
but it just ain't so. Letting them think so is dishonest
Sex and gender: the biological facts
Why do some people think biological sex is a continuum?
Here are some commonly asked questions about sex and gender
The era of dangerous medical fads is not over
A prominent website has drawn interesting connections between sex
reassignment surgery and lobotomy.
Gender and Other Potemkin Ideas
Resistance is useless! Capacitance is also useless!